Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Our new dog Sugar!

We have a dog! Her name is Sugar & she's a miniature Schnauzer (sp??)... The kids absolutely adore her! Andy & I put up with her since her previous owner never potty trained her, she frequently has accidents around the house. Okay, so Andy & I love her too! Her name has created a few problems for some of Kerra's friends though......
Her friend Hallie was with her mom when some lady said something like, "Hi Sugar!"....Hallie's response was....I'm not a dog.
Kerra's friend Jaxton was making cookies with his mom, when she said we'll add some sugar now...& Jaxton gave her the most perplexted look....then his mom showed him the bag of sugar & said, "This is sugar." Jaxton replied, "No!"
We've really enjoyed Sugar!


Jenelle said...

Sugar is so cute!!

The Fears said...

great job on running the half marathon! you rock with your time! looked like great weather too. cute dog too. we actually got a dog too......mini schnauzer, but black. funny we got the same kind of dog. Brad brought him home on Saturday! its had its ups and down getting used to a dog around the house!